Our message to the young: Stay away from intergenerational blame games. Many older Americans simply didn't understand what was happening to their country as they grew up. Their 401k's were growing, they could still grill in peace. Life was good! That things have deteriorated so quickly in almost every way is still very difficult for this generation to process.

To the Boomers: Understand that the youthful right-wing provocateurs have a place. If you want a better country for you and your children, you need those who can use humor and mockery to disarm the Left. Facts and logic will not save America, but a spiritual war against the high priests of wokeness can. For that, conservatives need to do more than just throw policy papers at their enemies. If winning policy debates was enough, then Washington would not be the leftist Leviathan it is now. Older Americans should embrace or at least learn to appreciate the joys of trolling the ever-living daylights out of woke communists and liberals. These digital ju-jitsu maneuvers can effectively leverage Big Tech's massive weight against its sanctimonious overlords and undermine their ideological pretensions. Both older and younger citizens on the Right agree on the alarming power of Silicon Valley, and the way it distorts our political life and public discourse.

Source: Boomers, Meet the Based - The American Mind

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